【機(jī)械類畢業(yè)論文中英文對(duì)照文獻(xiàn)翻譯】NiCrNiSi 薄膜熱電偶測(cè)溫刀具傳感器動(dòng)態(tài)標(biāo)定【PDF英文6頁(yè)word中文翻譯3718字9頁(yè)】【有出處】
【機(jī)械類畢業(yè)論文中英文對(duì)照文獻(xiàn)翻譯】NiCrNiSi 薄膜熱電偶測(cè)溫刀具傳感器動(dòng)態(tài)標(biāo)定【PDF英文6頁(yè)word中文翻譯3718字9頁(yè)】【有出處】,機(jī)械類畢業(yè)論文中英文對(duì)照文獻(xiàn)翻譯,PDF英文6頁(yè),word中文翻譯3718字9頁(yè),有出處,【機(jī)械類畢業(yè)論文中英文對(duì)照文獻(xiàn)翻譯】NiCrNiSi,薄膜熱電偶測(cè)溫刀具傳感器動(dòng)態(tài)標(biāo)定【PDF英文6頁(yè),word中文翻譯3718字9頁(yè)】【有出處】,機(jī)械類
CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 、,01.24,No.1,2011 ·73‘ DOI:10.3901/CJME.2011川.073,available online atⅥ帆cjm∞et.com;www.cjmenet.com.cn Dynamic Calibration of the Cutting Temperature Sensor of Nicr/NiSi Thin一1film Thermocouple CUIⅥlnxianl’厶’,YANG Deshunl,JIA Ying‘,ZENG Qiyonf,and lSUN Baoyua吖V’ 、r 一’L——————·————-———』—————_J 、School對(duì)Mechnnicnt Engineering.Dniinn Jidotong Universit)).Dnlinn l J 6028,China 2 Ke))Labomtory加r Precision dnd NDn一打ndffionnl Mnchinmg Technolo斟可M灑istry可Education, Dnlinn Universi嗲9f。rechnology.Dntidn l l 6024.china 3 coltege叮Quntit)}&S啦哆Engineer訊g.Chinn點(diǎn)tinng Universi≯.HnngzhoH 3 l0018.Chinn ReceiVed Dcc咖ber 22,2009;嗽,ised July 27,2010;acc印ted Septembcr 30,20lO:published elec仃onically October 14,2010 Abstract:In high-speed cutting,namral thermocouple,artificial the腫ocouple and infhred radia“on temperature measurement are 璐ually adopted for measuring cuning temperature,but these methods have di陌culty in measuring nansient temperatllre accurately of cutting area on account of low response speed and“mited cutting condition.In this paper,Nicr/Nisi thin—film thernlocouples(TFTcs) are fabricated according t0 tempemture characteristic of cutting area in hjgh-speed cuning by means of adVanced t、vinned micmwaVe elecnl0 cyclotmn rcson鋤ce(MW·ECR)plaSma source enhanced radio fkquency(RF)reaction non-balance magnen.on spunering technique, and c鋤 be used for tmnsient cutting tempe咖re measurement.111e time constants of the TFTCs with different the咖o.junction film width are measured at fbur kinds of sampling仔equency by using ult豫一CFR short pulsed las盯system that established.One.dimensional unsteady heat conduction model is constructed and the dvnamic perflormance is analyzed theoretically.It c蜘be seen fbm the analvsis results that the NiCr/Nisi TFTCs are suitable for measuring transient temperature which varies quickly, tlle response speed of TFTCs can be obviously improved by rcducing the thickness of thin.film,and the area of thernlo—iunction has littIe influence on dynamic response time.The dynamic calibration experiments are made on the constnlcted dynamic calibration system, 卸d the experimental results confim that sampling仃equency should be larger tIlan 50 kHz in dynamic measurement for stable response time,鋤d the shonest response time is 0.042 ms.Measurement memods and devices of cuning heat and cu砸ng tempemture me邪urement are developed鋤d improved by this research,which pmVide practical methods and iIlsn’uments in monitoring cuttiIlg heat 鋤d cutting temperatIlre for research and production in high—speed machining. Key words:thin—fiIITl themlocouple,cutting temperature sensor'dynamic calibration,one·dimensional unsteady heat conduction, response time l Introduction ln high.speed cu竹in 2,95%of cu仕ing heat will tmnsmit to the chip,which will be local melted on the interface contacting with rake face,and a layer of extremely thin liquid film will be fomed.The chip will be instantaneousIy cut off from the wOrk piece during cutting without naditional plastic defbnnation,so it is very inlponant to measure the temperature of the cutting area accuratel y. Thin—film themocouples(TFTCs)are advanced sensors for transient temperature measurement and the measurement principle is the same as nornla】thennocoupIes.Because of the small thennal capacity and fhst response,TFTCs can measure仃ansient temperature accuratelyI卜引.The dynamic calibration of TFTCs is used to measure the response ’Corresponding authoL E—mail:dlcyx007@1 26.com Thjs proicct is supported bv NationaI NaturaI Science Foundation of Chjna (Grant No. 507752 l O), Liaoning Pmvincial Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.20062 1 43),and Liaonin衛(wèi)Provincial Universities Science 鋤d Tcchnology Pro鯽m of China(Grant No. 05L0231 process of temperature sensors Versus temperature signal. There are three methods for the dvnamic calibration of ordmary wlre—type themOcOuple: step response,lmpuJse I℃sponse and slope response.These methods all consider dVnamic calibration of thennocouple as a nrst order inertial loop.The dynamic response time is calibrated with dvnamic ca“bration curve and larger errors will occur while it is calibrated bV the ordinarV calibration methods. Currentlyj more advanced methods are basically based on laser dVnamic calibration for dvnamic time of TFTCs【’川. CHOI,et al川,adopted K model thin—film thernlocouple scattered around the laser Dath to observe the conversion of laser welding energy,in order to monitor the dis—bution of energy in laser welding process.YANG【訓(xùn)used a continuous carbon dioxide Iaser and neodymium—doped glass pulsed laser as the excitation heat source f.or static and dvnamic calibration of 的nsient high-temperature sensors, by drawing on their predecessors using laser heated TFTC for dynamic calibration technique.The system was designed bV using integration of static and dynamic.The systematic errors genemted by the di髓rences of heat radiatiOn 萬(wàn)方數(shù)據(jù) 。74。 CUI Yun)【ian,et al:D”amic Calibration ofthe Cuttjng Temperature Sensor ofNiC州iSj Thin—film 111ennocouple coe幣cient and location movement were eliminated.Other heat equipments which produce仃ansient temperature rise can also be used for incentives dynamic heat in the sVstem of dynamic calibration of TFTCs exc印t adopting laser嬲 heat source for experiment of dynamic calibration.QIAN, et al【川,carried out a cenain amount of research work usin2 heating circuit as the heat source in the dynamic calibration expenment. 1n this research,the fabrication of TFTCs is intmduced and the compositions are measured by electron probe firstl y. Then,dynamic perfbnnance of TFTCs is researched by the combination of calculation with measurement.The time constants of the TFTCs with dif詫rent thenno.iunction矗lm width are measured at dif詫rent sampling行equency.Finally, the shortest respOnse time is given. 2 Fabrication of NiCr/NiSi Thin Film of NiCr thin film.Meatl rou曲ness of the NiCr thin film is 4.84 nm,and the mean roughness of the NiSi thin film is 0.33 nm.It can be seen f沁m me results above that the alIoy composite elements of the prepared NiCr/NiSi films are closed to the tarl=et.They are compact unifo咖,smooth and continuity good,which meet the fabrication requirement f.or temperamre measurement of cutter sensor. NiCr/NiSi is a widely used cheap metallic thermocouple material.The highest temperature can reach 900℃for lon2一ternl use and l 200℃for short.te腫use. The anti-oxidation abilitv and corrosion resistance of this thenllocouple material孤.e s仃Dng as thennoelectric Fig.1. SEM images of the surface of Nicr/Nisi thin fiIms propenies, good Iinearit)‘ and high sensitiVity; etc. NiCr/NiSi is chosen as thin—film electrode materials in this study, which can meet t11e requjrement of cutting temperatLlre testlng. Several methods can be used to prepare NiCr/NiSi thin一行l(wèi)ms, for example, vacuum evaporation, spuner deposition,and ion plating method 【8 91. NiCr/Nisi thin—films are prepared by means of advanced twinned microwave electm cyclotron resonance(MW—ECR)pIas眥 source enhanced radio f}equency(RF)reaction non.balance magnetron sputtering techniqueo 1川.Without considering the proIifemtion of alloy composition caused by the increasing tempemture of target and the re.evapomtion on the substrate,the spunering thin nlms can be obtained,whose components are the same aS the targets.The composition of NiCr/NiSi thin films measured by electmn probe is sho、vIl in T曲le 1.It can be seen fbm 1’able l that the comDosition of sputtenng thin films is nearly the same as the composition of the targets. Fig.2. AFM images of the surface of NiCr/NiSi t11in filIIls 1'abIe 1. Comparison of the compositions Of thin矗lms and targets % Fig.1 and Fig.2 show the scanning electron microscope (SEM)images and atomic force mjcroscope(AFM)images of NiCr/NiSi nlms,respectively.From Fig.1,it can be seen ttlat the compactness of the NiCr/NiSi film is unifoml and the continuity is 200d.From Fig.2,it can be seen that the su雨ce of NiSi thin nlm is much more smootll than that 3 TheoreticaI Analysis of Dynamic Perfbrmance TFTCs were deposited on the subsn翟te coated with siljcon surface ofhigh—speed steel djoxjde insulating fjlm. Because the thicl(11ess of ma們x is very Iarge com口ared with that of thin.nlm,it can be re2arded as a semi—infinite in a one—dimensional unsteady heat conduction process【11 J. Silicon dioxide has Iow thennal conductivitv.which is much smalIer than that of NiCr/NiSi.The influence of si“con dioxide can be ignored because of multi.1aVer 萬(wàn)方數(shù)據(jù) CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERn呵G ·75· thickness of the films.Onlv the influences of NiCr/NiSi thin—film in tempemture conduction process were studied and the efrects of diff.erent thickness of NiCr/NiSi thin—film on the dynamic response time at room temperature were calculated.We assume that the physical propenies of materials do not change with temperature, because temperamre upper limit of sensor is much lower than the melting temperature of thin.film and subsn.a(chǎn)te materials.The heat transmission is along x direction(by assumption the vertical direction along the membrane towards matrix.oriented),as shown in Fig.3. Fig.3. Heat conduction model Supposing that the suI‘face of thin-film generates a temperaturc step,貝,)=俠is equal to a constant,the distribution fhnction of NiCr/NiSi thin-film is臼l@,f),we can obtain 掣:‰ 色 “‘ 一尺 P畹 3萬(wàn)而 一‰ where 另(點(diǎn)f卜—_Temperature distribution fhnction, 夙一St印temperature signal, P疵(·)—弋:omplementary error劬ction, 萬(wàn)—Thickness ofNiCr tllin nlm. f——Heat transmissiOn time. ∞—_Themal di硒sivity of NiCr thin filIIl, K—℃o九.elation coemcient. K= 一l+粵 厶 1+生 厶 where 啦—Thermal difmsiVity of matrix, Zl,如—-Themlal conductiVity oftIlm—fihn鋤d ma硎x. MOreOver. ‰(y)=1一鉗(y)=l一去上。exp(彳)d五= 去fexp(-確艦 、^,11en口l'c龜,五1,五2孤.e substituted into Eq.(4),K=0.9 l 2 Substituting K,∞,萬(wàn)into Eq.(3),we caIl get lhat the time constant of thin一行l(wèi)m sensor f is 32.0 l l ns.a(chǎn)s shown in Table 2. Thble 2. Response“me of diff打ent thjckness of thin一矗hns 塑望竺!!!! 墨!嬰£墮! 蘭!竺£生; T11ickness別“m 2.89 3.78 Th。mal。o“d”?!痠”時(shí) OmO 842 O.040 842 ^/(cal.cm·s·K) 堅(jiān)!!巴!苧塑!型!! i::!!! !!!:!竺! ¨、 It can be concluded f.rom the above results that the main f-actors which innuence time constant f of thin—nlm are mennal difrusivity’therⅡml conductivitv棚1d film thickness of min.film materials. Moreover. time constant z-is .proportional to the thickness萬(wàn)of thermo.iunction.The response speed of thin—nlm thennocouple can be obviously inlproved by reducing the thickness of thin.film. When f=‘易(點(diǎn)力=0.632鏷,we substitute it into Eq.(1), 鋤d can obtain the following: l一% 一K ‰ 一Ⅸl咯 一e血 一e^ =0.632. 4 Measurement of Dynamic Resp仰se Tjme and ResuIts Analysis In order to research the eff.ect impacting on time constant, of the abrasion of TFTCs a series of area of thenno-junction were prcpared.T11e areas are 1.0 mm×2.5 mm,0.8 mm×2.5 mm,0.5 mm×2.5 mm,0.3 mm×2.5 mm, respectiVely.The series of TFTCs is shown in Fig.4. m 4.1 Dynamic response test scheme of TFTCs 、-’ In this paper’Ultra.CFR shon pulse laser has been used where P“·卜電auss error mnction, f—一Time cOnstant. When x is small,complementary error function is close to linear,P“3x)≈3PrfO),Eq.(2)can be simplified嬲 (1—2K)咯 =0.368. as the incentive heat source.The parameters of laser are as follows:repetition 6-equency is l一20 kHz,pulse dumtion is stationary 8 ns,laser’s ene唱y is 0.1—O.5 mJ,and repetition f把quency is set at 1 O kHz.Energy is selected as hi曲as possible in Order to make temperature cuⅣe more obviously.According to experiment,0.3 mJ is chosen as the parameter of laser incentiVe heat source.Tbst principle is shownin Fig.5. 南 萬(wàn)方數(shù)據(jù) 。76’ CuI Yunxiafl’et aJ:Dynamic Calibration ofthe Cutting Temperamre Sensor ofNiC州iSi nlin—nlm The珊ocouple Fig.4. A series of TFTCs t Fig.5. Scheme of dynamic calibrating fortempemtIlre measurement ofTFTCs ‘I.11e output of the laser was absorbed by thm-fllm themlocouple cutter sensor,the signal was amplified for l 000 times with precision amplifier circuit and thennal electric-potentiaI signaI that sensor exponed was gathered by DT9800 acquisition card.The sensor and testing system was in grounding t0 decrease the interlbrence on signal conditioning circuit and recording ins仃uments caused by laser power supply and other elec仃Dmagnetic deVices,in order to ensure the acc啪cy of dyllamic characteristics testing. 4.2 Dvnamic response“me measurement of thin.行l(wèi)m thermocouple at diff電rent thermo.iunction width Ul仃a.CFR short pulsed laser has been used,the pulse width was 8 ns,repetition仔equency was l Hz and Iaser’s energy was 0.3 n1J. Data were coIIected by DT9800 acquisition card,and time constant was measurcd when the姍o.iunction width were 0.3,0.5,0.8,1.0 mm,respec- tively.The response curve at l Hz repetition fkquency and l oo kHz sampling仃equency is sho、VIl in Fig.6. s鋤pIlng tlme f/s Fig.6. Impulse respOnse cuⅣe The time constant cuⅣe with dia’erent width of hot junction is shown in Fig.7.From Fig.7,it c撲be secll that when area of thennal contact is reduced to 3.3 times,the di俄rence of response time was small. E ≥ 耋一 熬 C & 器 E 0 0 02 04 O 6 O 8 1.O l 2 width ofhot j帥ction訓(xùn)mm Fig.7.’nme constant cuⅣe of four TFTCs Heat capacity is the main factor that influenced the response time of wire t11in.61m thermOcouple,which is obtained bV the thickness multiplying the盯ea of thin.film the咖ocouple,so the mickness and area of the TFTCs are the main factors that innuenced the resDonse time.It can be infbrred丘.om the fbnnula of heat nansfbr model that ttle area has nO eff-ect on macroscoDic themal vOlume when the area changed 3 times or even 30 times,because the thickness of thin.film is 1 O-’一l 0_j times smaller than that of block.In conclusion.the thickness of thin.film is t11e most imponant factor that innuences response tirne. 4.3 DVnamic response“me measurement or thin-mm thermocouple in diffbrent sampIing f}equency When the sampling f托quency were l 0 kHz,50 kHz,and l 00 kHz under the same testing conditions, me thenno—iunction width was 0.5 mm and the time constants were 0.224 ms,0.1 26 ms,and 0.095 ms,respectively.The relationship of response time and sampling仔equency is shown in Fig.8.DynaITlic response time decreased as the sampIing f-requency in the range 0f l 0 kHz to 50 I【Hz.The time sampling行equency of the testing system should be larger than 50 kHz in order to obtain the steady test results. s鋤pling f}cqu朋cy冊(cè)Hz Fig.8. Relationship of response time 鋤d sampIing f.rcquency Hz Hz Hz 4.4 Deviation analysis There is great di仟erence be聃een calculated values卸d measured values of time constaIlt.tlle main reasons can be summed up as follows. ∞T1\~QE=o∞cod吶Q崔O 0 O O O O O O O O 一:弋拱cods2簀In厶£一 萬(wàn)方數(shù)據(jù) CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ·77· r1)The 1aser on the surfke of TFTCs is an extremely complex process,when dynamic chamcter of thin—film ttle咖ocouple is regarded as one order iIlertiallink,me time constant precision is poor by output cun,e estimating. (2)In this research,the influence of NiCr thin.fiIm in temperature仃ansmission has been investigated,while the influence of silicon dioxide is ignored in calculation.The thenml conductivitv of thin—nhn is substituted bv that of block.which innuences calculated values.is smaller than measured value. (3)The electrode of thin—film is allov material,the咖al diH’usivi哆and themlal conductivity coef_ficient change along with me material composition.The composition of the eIec打ode is an important influence f砬tor to time COnStant. (4)Laser modulation is not taken int0 account to reduce the error of dynamic response time constant as much as possible. The test accuracy could be improVed by increasing impact enerlgy and reducing the pulse width of thelaser. 5 C0nclusiOns n)The time constant of cutter measurement sensor made by means of advanced twinned M、v-ECR plas眥source enhanced RF reaction non—balance magnetrOn sputtering technique c卸reach to microsecond,which is suitable f.or measuring transient temperature that Varies quickl y.It c鋤 be concluded f}om the measured values that there was little influence of the area of thenno.iunction of this sensor on the dynarnjc response time. (2)lt can be leamed仔om the calculated result that time constant r is proportional to the thickness萬(wàn)of memo. junction,the response speed of thin—film thennocouple can be obViously irnproVed by reducmg the thickness of the thin.film. (3)The system for measuring dynamic response time by means of Unl.a(chǎn)-CFR shon pulsed laser is constructed and the pulse width of laser is 8 ns.Sampling frequency call reach to l OO kHz.The shortest response time of test is 0.042 ms. (4)Samp“ng讎quency should be la唱er than 50 kHz wh朗dynarnic response time is measured by short pulsed 1aser. References 【1】Ⅺ也IDER K G Thin film the丌Tlocouples for intemal combustion engines【J】.而“朋口,∥紇刪“朧&f鐘cP&7醣^no幻∥爿,1986,4(6): 2 618—2 623. 【2】LEI J F,HERBERT A w.111in—film the咖ocouples鋤d strain_gauge techn0109ies and stmin gauge tecllllologies for cIlgine applications[J】. 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【機(jī)械類畢業(yè)論文中英文對(duì)照文獻(xiàn)翻譯】NiCrNiSi 薄膜熱電偶測(cè)溫刀具傳感器動(dòng)態(tài)標(biāo)定【PDF英文6頁(yè)word中文翻譯3718字9頁(yè)】【有出處】,機(jī)械類畢業(yè)論文中英文對(duì)照文獻(xiàn)翻譯,PDF英文6頁(yè),word中文翻譯3718字9頁(yè),有出處,【機(jī)械類畢業(yè)論文中英文對(duì)照文獻(xiàn)翻譯】NiCrNiSi,薄膜熱電偶測(cè)溫刀具傳感器動(dòng)態(tài)標(biāo)定【PDF英文6頁(yè),word中文翻譯3718字9頁(yè)】【有出處】,機(jī)械類
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