
1、外語專業(yè) 畢業(yè)論文:通過小說《寵兒》看美國的種族歧視 石家莊鐵道大學四方學院畢業(yè)論文 通過小說《寵兒》看美國的種族歧視 An Analysis of the Racial Discrimination in America in Beloved 2010屆 外 語系 專 業(yè) 英 語 學 號20065610 學生姓名 指導教師 完成日期2
2、010年6 月 3 日 畢業(yè)設計(論文)任務書 題 目 通過小說《寵兒》看美國的種族歧視 學生姓名 張溪若 學號 20065610 班級 方0655-1 專業(yè) 英語 承擔指導任務單位 外語系 導師 姓名 王 霞 導師 職稱 講師 一、主要內(nèi)容 通過對寵兒命運的分析來看美國的種族歧視。寵兒不受寵的事實可以從多個方面得以體現(xiàn),而通過這些事實,一些種族問題也得以揭露。造成寵兒不受寵的原因主要包括社會的、家庭的與個人的原因,寵兒的悲劇是整個黑人民族的縮影。在論文的最后,討論了解決美國種族問題的未來。 二、基本要求(各方向具體要求見論文指導書) 1.了解文學評論的基本要求,并
3、能運用這些基本知識和理論正確完成對作品、作家、文學流派與思潮等的研究。 2.對文學文本、作家有較全面、準確的把握。 3.應能用科學的、規(guī)范的語體正確地表述思想,完成論文的撰寫。 三、應收集的資料及參考文獻 [1] David L, Middleton. ed. Toni Morrison’s Fiction: Contemporary Criticism .New York: Garland Publishing, 1997. [2] Toni, Morrison. Beloved. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research
4、Press, 2003. [3] Toni, Morrison. Rootedness, the Ancestor as Foundation. In Black Women Writers: A Critical Evaluation. ed. Mari Evans. New York: Anchor Press, 1984. [4] Toni, Morrison. Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination, 1992. [5] 陳潔. 奴隸制度的“后遺癥”和歷史創(chuàng)傷的愈合?托妮?莫里森《寵兒》簡析[J
5、]. 蘇州: 蘇州教育學院學報. 2004-20-6 [6] 胡國成, 透視美國[M]. 北京: 中國社會科學出版社. 2002. [7] 朱元美. 托尼?莫里森的奴隸馬車. 北京: 中華書局.2005. [8] 朱自達. 當代美國文化與社會[M]. 北京: 中國社會科學出版社.2000. 四、進度計劃 2010年03月15日,交開題報告; 2010年03月20日,交論文提綱; 2010年04月19日,交論文初稿; 2010年05月19日,交論文二稿; 2010年06月03日,論文定稿。 教研室主任簽字時 間 年 月日 指導教師簽字時間 年
6、月 日 開題報告主要內(nèi)容統(tǒng)計表 選題背景、意義 托尼?莫里森Toni Morrison是美國第一個獲得諾貝爾文學獎的非裔美國女性。她的作品大多反映了非裔美國黑人特殊的歷史、文化及其思想情感。莫里森于1987年發(fā)表其第五部長篇小說《寵兒》并于1993年因這部作品獲得諾貝爾文學獎?!秾檭骸肥峭心?莫里森最震撼人心,最成熟的代表作,現(xiàn)已成為當代文學史上不朽的經(jīng)典。這部小說緊密地結合社會,反映了現(xiàn)代美國存在的種種社會問題??暴力、革命、自由、人性和種族歧視。本文的寫作目的是通過研究小說,來展現(xiàn)美國社會中的種族歧視現(xiàn)象。以使國內(nèi)讀者更加了解美國的黑人現(xiàn)狀。 該課題國內(nèi)外研究現(xiàn)狀 國內(nèi)外學者
7、從女性主義、心理分析、結構主義、解構主義、敘事學、新歷史主義等文化研究角度以及寫作主題、寫作技巧、人物分析等方面進行了大量的研究。很多評論家從不同的角度分析了該小說:有的分析小說的主題;有的分析寫作技巧及敘事策略;還有的運用各種文藝批評理論對其進行分析.主要包括心理分析批評、后殖民主義批評、后現(xiàn)代主義批評等。在國外方面,Middleton, David主編的作品Toni Morrison’s Fiction收錄了很多名家對托尼莫里森小說的評價作品,其中有許多是關于《寵兒》這部小說的研究,例如其中Gillis將《寵兒》與美國的社會現(xiàn)實連接起來進行研究,對本文的寫作啟發(fā)很大。在國內(nèi)方面也有很多相關
8、的研究,屈婉玲2005年的作品《黑人女性的凝聚之力??對寵兒中塞絲的女性主義解讀》,認為托尼.莫里森的長篇小說《寵兒》敘述了在白人權威肆意踐踏性別尊嚴、蔑視種族身份的文化語境中,黑人女性所進行的百折不撓的文化身份和生存價值的追求,并由此揭示了作家特有的黑人女性主義思想:要爭取真正意義上的生存,黑人女性就必須首先結成一個有凝聚力的群體。 該課題研究與解決的主要問題 通過小說《寵兒》淺談對美國的種族歧視的認識 進度安排 2010年03月20日:交論文提綱 2010年04月19日:交論文初稿 2010年05月19日:論文二稿 2010年06月 3日:論文定稿 論文主要內(nèi)容 通過對寵
9、兒命運的分析來看美國的種族歧視。寵兒不受寵的事實可以從多個方面得以體現(xiàn),而通過這些事實,一些種族問題也得以揭露。造成寵兒不受寵的原因主要包括社會的、家庭的與個人的原因,寵兒的悲劇是整個黑人民族的縮影。在論文的最后,討論了解決美國種族問題的未來及其解決之道。 參考文獻 [1] Barbara, Smith. Toward a Black Feminist Criticism .Elaine Showalter. The New Feminist Criticism: Essays on Women, Literature, and Theory. New York: Random House
10、, 1985. [2] Danille, Taylor-Guthrie. ed. Conversations with Toni Morrison [M]. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. 1994. [3] David L, Middleton. ed. Toni Morrison’s Fiction: Contemporary Criticism .New York: Garland Publishing. 1997. [4] Emory, et al, Elliott. eds. Columbia Literary Hist
11、ory of the United States [C]. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988. [5] Gurleen, Grewal. Circles of Sorrow, Lines of Struggle: The Novel of Toni Morrison [M]. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. 1998,101. [6] H Aram,Veeser. The New Historicism [A]. In Veeser ed .The New Historici
12、sm Reader [C]. New York: Routledge, 1994. [7] Nancy J, Peterson. Toni Morrison: Critical and Theoretical Approaches. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 1997. [8] The Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd edition, 1989. [9] Toni, Morrison. Beloved. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Re
13、search Press. 2003. [10] Toni, Morrison. Rootedness, the Ancestor as Foundation. In Black Women Writers: A Critical Evaluation. ed. Mari Evans. New York: Anchor Press. 1984. [11] Toni, Morrison. Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination, 1992. [12] Wang Shouren and Wu Xinyun.
14、 Gender, Race and Class: Toni Morrison and Twentieth-Century Afro-American Literature [M]. Beijing: Peking University Press. 1999 [13] 伯納德. 非洲裔美國黑人小說及其傳統(tǒng)[M]. 四川: 四川人民出版社.2000. [14] 陳潔. 奴隸制度的“后遺癥”和歷史創(chuàng)傷的愈合?托妮?莫里森《寵兒》簡析[J]. 蘇州: 蘇州教育學院學報. 2004-20-6. [15] 杜平. 何木英, 美國文學簡史與作品選讀[M]. 四川: 四川大學出版社. 2004.
15、 [16] 胡國成, 透視美國[M]. 北京: 中國社會科學出版社. 2002. [17] 姬虹. 民權運動與美國南方黑人政治力量的興起[J], 美國研究 20002. [18] 李道揆. 美國政府和美國政治[M]. 北京: 中國社會科學出版社.1990. [19] 羅伯特. 美國黑人在覺醒中[M]. 上海: 上海人民教育出版社.1976. [20] 陸谷孫. 英漢大詞典[M]. 上海: 上海譯文出版社.1993. [21] 屈婉玲. 黑人女性的凝聚之力??對《寵兒》中塞絲的女性主義解讀[N], 四川外語學院學報.20055. [22] 王守仁. 性別?種族?文化
16、: 托尼?莫里森與二十一世紀黑人文學[M]. 北京: 北京大學出版社.1999. [23] 鄭家馨. 殖民主義史[M]. 北京: 北京大學出版社.2000. [24] 朱元美. 托尼?莫里森的奴隸馬車. 北京: 中華書局.2005. [25] 朱自達. 當代美國文化與社會[M]. 北京: 中國社會科學出版社.2000. 指導教師意見 系部意見 Abstract Beloved is the masterpiece of Toni Morrison--the famous Afro-American woman writer. Toni Morrison won t
17、he Nobel Prize in 1993 which made her the first black woman to win this prize in the history of America. This novel is regarded as a milestone in American literature. Morrison is such a person who holds the firm national status, and has deep personal views on the racial contradictions. In Beloved, s
18、he stats a central story of Sethe killing her daughter Beloved. Through this novel she exposes the problem of racial discrimination in America. The author of the present thesis tries to see the racial discrimination in America through the analysis of the fate of Beloved. The fact that Beloved is
19、 not beloved could be displayed in many aspects, and through these facts, some racial problems could be exposed. What makes Beloved not beloved includes the social reasons, the family reasons and the personal reasons. Beloved’s tragedy is a epitome of the whole black people. At the end of the presen
20、t thesis, the author tries to talk about the solution to the racial problem in America. Key words: Beloved; love; slavery system ; racial discrimination 摘要 《寵兒》是美國著名非洲裔女作家托尼?莫里森的代表作,于1993年獲得諾貝爾文學獎,從而使莫里森成為第一個獲此獎項的黑人女作家,而該部作品也成為了美國文學史上的一個里程碑。莫里森作為一個黑人,對種族問題持有深刻的個人見解。在《寵兒》中,她講述了塞絲殺死女兒的中心故事,并通過
21、這個故事揭露了美國的種族歧視問題。 在本論文中,作者通過對寵兒命運的分析來看美國的種族歧視。寵兒不受寵的事實可以從多個方面得以體現(xiàn),而通過這些事實,一些種族問題也得以揭露。造成寵兒不受寵的原因主要包括社會的、家庭的與個人的原因,寵兒的悲劇是整個黑人民族的縮影。在論文的最后,作者討論了美國種族問題的未來以及解決之道。 關鍵詞:寵兒 ;寵愛 ;奴隸制 ;種族歧視 Contents Introduction 1 1 Introduction of Toni Morrison and Beloved 1 2 Background Knowledge 2 Chapter
22、one Beloved Is Not Beloved 3 1.1 The Facts that Beloved Is Not Beloved 3 1.2 The Racial Problems Reflecting from the above Facts 5 Chapter two The Reasons that Make Beloved Not Beloved 6 2.1 The Social Reasons 7 2.2 The Family Reasons 9 2.3 The Personal Reasons 10 Chapter thr
23、ee The Echo of the Tragedy 12 3.1 The Future of the Racial Problem in America 13 3.2 The Solution to the Racial Problem in America 14 Conclusion 16 Introduction Introduction of Toni Morrison and Beloved Beloved is an outstanding literature work of Toni Morrison who is one fa
24、mous Afro-American writer born in the state of Ohio in 1931. Morrison has deep views on the racial problem and has written many books to display this long-existed problem in America. Beloved is the fifth and the most mature work of Toni Morrison, as well as the masterpiece of hers. Beloved got the N
25、obel Prize in 1993, thus making its author the first black woman to win this prize in literature, so the novel became a milestone in the history of American literature. Many critics have recognized Beloved as the best novel of America in the last 25 years. So Beloved is one work worth of studying. W
26、hen this work is put into the wide background of the modern society of America, the fate of Beloved is not one fate of herself, but that of the whole black. Through the analysis of the fact that Beloved is not beloved, one of the biggest problems in America could be exploded, thus having its practic
27、al values in the modern society Beloved is a historical fiction as well as a ghost story in which Morrison tells a central story that Sethe kills her daughter Beloved. Sethe is a slave in the Sweet House--plantation in Kentucky, and unable to bear the inhuman treatment of slave owners. She escapes
28、 to her mother-in-law’s house in Cincinnati, where she and her children spend a happy life of 28 days, after which the slave catchers come and Sethe, in order to protect her children from slavery, chooses to kill them. However at last, only the elder daughter Beloved dies. Eighteen years later, Belo
29、ved comes back into the earth as a woman. Beloved's return consumes Sethe to the point where she ignores her other daughter and even her own needs, while Beloved becomes more and more demanding. At last Paul D and Denver expellee Beloved away. As Morrison says at the first page of this novel: Six
30、Million And more I will call them my people, Which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved. ROMANS 9:251[1] 2. Background Knowledge 2.1The Setting of the Story The setting of the novel Beloved is the reconstruction era in 1873, which is a period after civil war. The r
31、econstruction period is ranked from 1865 to 1877, during which there are two extrusive problems which Americans face, namely the reconstruction of the status for the southern states and the reconstruction of the position for the black people. In the process of the reconstruction, the conflicts of cl
32、asses, races, and religions are complicated. The black people are cruelly persecuted and the black slaves who have got freedom are also lynched by many terror organizations. The freed slaves don’t live much better than the slaves actually. This story frequently flashbacks to the early 1850s when
33、 slavery is rampant, as well as the time when the black people are in awake to have active attitude towards the fighting for freedom and equality. The white slave owners treat the slaves cruelly. The Setting for the Creation of This Story For a very long time, Toni Morrison had a hope that she
34、could rebuild the lost history for the whole black people, and she wanted to create a canon of the black work. In 1974, when Morrison was an editor for the Language Bookshop, she touched a true event that a black mother Margaret who was a slave in Kentucky escaping from the farm, and when the slave
35、owners captured her, she killed her daughter with an ax in order to save the daughter from being a slave. Then after ten years of preparing and three years of writing, the striking composing Beloved came into being in 1987. In the novel, Morrison borrows the true story of Margaret. The mother is the
36、 model of Sethe, and this incident is also the model of the central event in Beloved. Chapter One Beloved Is Not Beloved Beloved has an elusive, complex character. Her identity is the central character for the readers to understand the novel. As most readers consider, Beloved is the embo
37、died spirit of Sethe’s dead daughter. Beloved never receives love truly, and through these facts some racial problems in America could be reflected. 1.1The Facts that Beloved Is Not Beloved Beloved is a beautiful name, giving people the illusion that she is a child who grows up in the atmospher
38、e of being loved and cared. However, it is contrary to the fact, because she is the one who is never cared but only deserted and murdered. The fact that Beloved is not loved could be displayed mainly in the following aspects1.1.1 Beloved Is Murdered by Her Own Mother Beloved is killed by her ow
39、n mother when she is only about one year old. Her mother, Sethe, cut her throat with a sharp handsaw. Sethe doesn’t want her children to experience what she has experienced in the Sweet House. Living there is a rather unpleasant experience for her. She is put to the animal side and works hard but be
40、ing treated as a cow or goat. The two white slave owners hold her down and take her milk away. What’s more, her saint love as a mother is invaded cruelly. Finally, Beloved becomes the only one who escapes from the earth because of her mother’s “help”, but at the same time she becomes the only one wh
41、o is deserted to the world full of darkness. At that time, she is still a small baby who could only crawl. She has to be used to facing the darkness by herself. 1.1.2 Beloved Is Hated by Paul D Paul D plays an important role to repress Beloved. From the beginning to the end, what he does is to ex
42、orcise Beloved out. When coming into the house of 124 for the first time, he uses his power to force the baby ghost go away. when Beloved comes back to the earth in the form of a woman, both Sethe and Denver treat her as a member of the house, but only Paul D could not accept a stranger again, even
43、bases on the fact that he doesn’t know this woman is the ghost. So maybe his prejudice and unfriendliness is not pointed to Beloved but to all the persons who snatch Sethe’s love. However, his hostile mood and his feeling or attitude to other intruders have made Beloved a person who could not get lo
44、ve from him nor from her mother at last. Paul D has played a role in repressing Beloved. He has no relation with Beloved but adds more bitterness on her. 1.1.3 Beloved Is Expelled to the Edge of Death by Her Sister At the end of the story, as the sister of Beloved, Denver comes out of the house t
45、o seek help from the community, thus making Beloved disappear. To some extent, Denver is the murder of Beloved who has come back to the earth. If it were not for Denver, no one in the community would pay attention to the house of 124, and without her, no one would come to the house to expel Beloved.
46、 Whether Beloved does right or wrong, it is a fact that her sister sends her to the death once again as her mother did 18 years ago. 1.1.4 Beloved Is Exorcised by the Community The black community exorcises Beloved from 124: They treat her as just a haunted ghost, hates her and then forgets her
47、 For a very long time, the community has ignored the family of 124 where Sethe and her children live. Because Sethe kills her own daughter and all the people living in the community think that a mother who could murder her child would definitely not worthy of getting along with. “The community mak
48、es the family of Sethe live separately for nearly 19 years.”[2] But when Beloved comes back as a ghost, they show their empathy to Sethe for the first time and they try to drive the ghost away from their group. This behavior shows that comparing the criminals that the alive person has done, people w
49、ho live in community could not endure the things the ghost does. Beloved sees that the black people become a hill before her. When the ghost without skin comes and takes her away to the darkness again, the community expellees Beloved out successfully. They give no living space for the pity girl at a
50、ll Beloved disappears, in other words, she is destroyed once more. People forget her. What Beloved left is just a dream that everyone is not sure whether it is true. This forgetfulness is the betrayal to Beloved, but also the necessity for the black people who are still alive. This forgetfulness i
51、s one thing that makes Beloved a floating dead soul who is poor enough1.1.5 Beloved Has No Identity of Herself From cradle to grave, she even does not have a real name. When the minister makes his preach, Sethe hears the word of “Dearly Beloved” and mistakes the words as the dead people. Then sh
52、e offers her sex to make an exchange with the burier. Thus on the grave of the dead girl there comes her name---Beloved. No lucky children, or in other words, no child that gets enough love could get his name in this way. What’s more, in fact, it is not a name at all. “Everybody knows what she is ca
53、lled, but nobody anywhere knows her name.”[3] She is such a child that has no identity at all. 1.2 The Racial Problems Reflecting from the above Facts In Beloved, the author explores one of the most serious problems in America?the racial problem through the fact that Beloved is not beloved. 1
54、.2.1 The Historical Origin of the Racial Problem The dark place that Beloved lives lonely is one that of the dark hot quarters, a pile of dead bodies. The water may be the representative of the “Middle Passage” to transport slaves. Slavery is the origin of the racial problem that makes their col
55、ored skin a brand for the inferior. Thus hundreds of years after the time when slavery ends, the black people still live at the bottom of the American society. In the slavery society, the black people are not humans who have the independent identities, they are treated as animals. And because of the
56、 slavery, the white people have the prejudice and discrimination towards the Black1.2.2 The High Rate of Criminal for the Black The dehumanizing slavery, as well as the racial discrimination has driven the black people to be brutal. The white people think that in every black person’s heart, ther
57、e is a wild wood, but they do not know it is their cruelty that makes this wood uncontrolled. The more the black want to estimate that they are human, the more cruel would the white exploit them. When they are driven to some extent beyond their endurance, they would turn to the violent force, even t
58、o murder. The black people, a weak group, are more tended to use violence to solve problems. Sethe, a black woman, is the representative of the weaker. She could not use violence to hurt the white who has persecuted her but only could hurt her most imitate children. The mother who is helpless could
59、only choose to kill her daughter to protect her and then go to the prison. America, a country which is considered as “the paradise of freedom”, makes so many people feel helpless as in prison. It is the result of the slavery and the racial problems. 1.2.3 The Lack of Education for the Black Most
60、black people are illiterate. Few of them have the chance to get education, because the society show prejudice to them. Sethe even could not understand the simplest address of the preacher, thus giving her dead daughter a name like Beloved. The limit of the language is one signal of the poor education level1.2.4 The Black Suffer the Most The racial problem is the chronic illness of America. The black people could not face the past. Indeed it has the condonable and harmonious surface,
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