
1、溫故而知新,下筆如有神 最近兩年12月英語六級專項考題訓(xùn)練及答案? Part I??Writing?(30 minutes) Directions:?For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled?The Way to Success?by commenting on Abraham Lincoln's famous remark, "Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend, the first four sharpe
2、ning the axe." You should write at least?150?words but no more than?200?words. The Way to Success 注意:此部分試題請在答題卡1上作答。 Part II???????????Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)?????????????(15 minutes) Directions:?In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answ
3、er the questions on?Answer Sheet 1.?For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from?the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Google's Plan for World's Biggest Online Library: Philanthropy Or Act of Piracy? In re
4、cent years, teams of workers dispatched by Google have been working hard to make?digital copies of books. So far, Google has scanned more than 10 million titles from libraries in?America and Europe?-?including half a million volumes held by the Bodleian in Oxford. The exact?method it uses is unclear
5、; the company does not allow outsiders to observe the process. Why is Google undertaking such a venture? Why is it even interested in all those out-of-printlibrary books, most of which have been gathering dust on forgotten shelves for decades? Thecompany claims its motives are essentially public-sp
6、irited. Its overall mission, after all, is to "organise?the world's information", so it would be odd if that information did not include books. The company likes to present itself as having lofty aspirations. "This really isn't about making money. We are doing this for the good of society." As Sant
7、iago de la Mora, head of Google Books for Europe, puts it: "By making it possible to search the millions of books that exist today, we hope?to expand the frontiers of human knowledge." Dan Clancy, the chief architect of Google Books, does seem genuine in his conviction that thisis primarily a?phila
8、nthropic?(慈善的) exercise. "Google's core business is search and find, soobviously what helps improve Google's search engine is good for Google," he says. "But we havenever built a?spreadsheet?(電子數(shù)據(jù)表) outlining the financial benefits of this, and I have neverhad to justify the amount I am spending to
9、the company's founders." It is easy, talking to Clancy and his colleagues, to be swept along by their missionary passion.?But Google's book-scanning project is proving controversial. Several opponents have recently?emerged, ranging from rival tech giants such as Microsoft and Amazon to small bodies
10、 representing authors and publishers across the world. In broad terms, these opponents have levelled two sets?of criticisms at Google. First, they have questioned whether the primary responsibility for digitally archiving the world's?books should be allowed to fall to a commercial company. In a rec
11、ent essay in the?New YorkReview of Books,?Robert Darnton, the head of Harvard University's library, argued that because such books are a common resource – the possession of us all – only public, not-for-profit bodiesshould be given the power to control them. The second related criticism is that Goo
12、gle's scanning of books is actually illegal. This allegation has led to Google becoming?mired in?(陷入) a legal battle whose scope and complexity makes?the Jarndyce and Jarndyce case in Charles Dickens'?Bleak House?look straightforward. At its centre, however, is one simple issue: that of copyright.
13、The inconvenient fact about most?books, to which Google has arguably paid insufficient attention, is that they are protected by?copyright. Copyright laws differ from country to country, but in general protection extends for the?duration of an author's life and for a substantial period afterwards, th
14、us allowing the author's heirs to benefit. (In Britain and America, this post-death period is 70 years.) This means, of course, that?almost all of the books published in the 20th century are still under copyright?–?and the last century?saw more books published than in all previous centuries combined
15、. Of the roughly 40 million?books in US libraries, for example, an estimated 32 million are in copyright. Of these, some 27?million are out of print. Outside the US, Google has made sure only to scan books that are out of copyright and thus in the "public domain" (works such as the Bodleian's first
16、 edition of?Middlemarch,?which anyone canread for free on Google Books Search). But, within the US, the company has scanned both in-copyright and out-of-copyright works. Inits defence, Google points out that it displays only small segments of books that are in copyright–?arguing that such displays
17、are "fair use". But critics allege that by making electronic copies of?these books without first seeking the permission of copyright holders, Google has committed piracy. "The key principle of copyright law has always been that works can be copied only once?authors have expressly given their permis
18、sion," says Piers Blofeld, of the Sheil Land literary agency?in London. "Google has reversed this – it has simply copied all these works without bothering toask." In 2005, the Authors Guild of America, together with a group of US publishers, launched aclass action suit?(集團(tuán)訴訟) against Google that, a
19、fter more than two years of negotiation, endedwith an announcement last October that Google and the claimants had reached an out-of-courtsettlement. The full details are complicated - the text alone runs to 385 pages–?and trying tosummarise it is no easy task. "Part of the problem is that it is basi
20、cally incomprehensible," saysBlofeld, one of the settlement's most vocal British critics. Broadly, the deal provides a mechanism for Google to compensate authors and publishers?whose rights it has breached (including giving them a share of any future revenue it generates fromtheir works). In exchan
21、ge for this, the rights holders agree not to sue Google in future. This settlement hands Google the power - but only with the agreement of individual rights holders?–?to exploit its database of out-of-print books. It can include them in subscription deals?sold to libraries or sell them individually
22、 under a consumer licence. It is these commercial provisions that are proving the settlement's most controversial aspect. Critics point out that, by giving Google the right to commercially exploit its database, thesettlement paves the way for a subtle shift in the company's role from provider of in
23、formation to seller. "Google's business model has always been to provide information for free, and sell advertising on the basis of the traffic this generates," points out James Grimmelmann, associate professor at New York Law School. Now, he says, because of the settlement's provisions, Google coul
24、d?become a significant force in bookselling. Interest in this aspect of the settlement has focused on "orphan" works, where there is noknown copyright holder?–?these make up an estimated 5-10% of the books Google has scanned.?Under the settlement, when no rights holders come forward and register th
25、eir interest in a work, commercial control automatically reverts to Google. Google will be able to display up to 20% oforphan works for free, include them in its subscription deals to libraries and sell them to individual?buyers under the consumer licence. It is by no means certain that the settlem
26、ent will be?enacted?(執(zhí)行)?–?it is the subject of afairness hearing in the US courts. But if it is enacted, Google will in effect be off the hook as far as?copyright violations in the US are concerned. Many people are seriously concerned by this - and the company is likely to face challenges in other
27、courts around the world. No one knows the precise use Google will make of the intellectual property it has gained byscanning the world's library books, and the truth, as Gleick, an American science writer and member of the Authors Guild, points out, is that the company probably doesn't even know it
28、self. But?what is certain is that, in some way or other, Google's entrance into digital bookselling will have a?significant impact on the book world in the years to come. 注意:此部分試題請在答題卡1上作答。 1.?Google claims its plan for the world's biggest online library is _____. A)??to serve the interest of the
29、 general public B)??to encourage reading around the world C)??to save out-of-print books in libraries D)??to promote its core business of searching 2.?According to Santiago de la Mora, Google's book-scanning project will _____. A)??broaden humanity's intellectual horizons B)??help the broad ma
30、sses of readers C)??revolutionise the entire book industry D)??make full use of the power of its search engine 3.?Opponents of Google Books believe that digitally archiving the world's books should be controlled by _____. A)??non-profit organisations???????????????????????????????C) multinationa
31、l companies B)??the world's leading libraries??????????????????????????D) the world's tech giants 4.?Google has involved itself in a legal battle as it ignored _____. A)??the copyright of authors of out-of-print books B)??the copyright of the books it scanned C)??the interest of traditional boo
32、ksellers D)??the differences of in-print and out-of-print books 5.?Google defends its scanning in-copyright books by saying that _____. A)??it displays only a small part of their content B)??it is willing to compensate the copyright holders C)??making electronic copies of books is not a violati
33、on of copyright D)??the online display of in-copyright books is not for commercial use 6.?What do we learn about the class action suit against Google? A)??It ended in a victory for the Authors Guild of America. B)??It was settled after more than two years of negotiation. C)??It failed to protec
34、t the interests of American publishers. D)??It could lead to more out-of-court settlements of such disputes. 7.?What remained controversial after the class action suit ended? A)??The compensation for copyright holders. B)??The change in Google's business model. C)??Google's further exploitation
35、 of its database. D)??The commercial provisions of the settlement. 8. While _____, Google makes money by selling advertising. 9. Books whose copyright holders are not known are called _____. 10. Google's entrance into digital bookselling will tremendously _____ in the future.? Part III?????????
36、???????????????Listening Comprehension??????????(35 minutes) Section A Directions:?In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will b
37、e spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on?Answer Sheet 2?with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分試題請在答題卡2上作答。 11.?A) Cance
38、l the trip to prepare for the test. B)??Review his notes once he arrives in Chicago. C)??Listen to the recorded notes while driving. D)??Prepare for the test after the wedding. 12.?A) The woman will help the man remember the lines. B)??The man lacks confidence in playing the part. C)??The man
39、hopes to change his role in the play. D)??The woman will prompt the man during the show. 13. A) Preparations for an operation.???????????????????C) Arranging a bed for a patient. B) A complicated surgical case.??????????????D) Rescuing the woman's uncle. 14. A) He is interested in improving his
40、editing skills. B)??He is eager to be nominated the new editor. C)??He is sure to do a better job than Simon. D)??He is too busy to accept more responsibility. 15.?A) He has left his position in the government. B)??He has already reached the retirement age. C)??He made a stupid decision at the
41、 cabinet meeting. D)??He has been successfully elected Prime Minister. 16.?A) This year's shuttle mission is a big step in space exploration. B)??The man is well informed about the space shuttle missions. C)??The shuttle flight will be broadcast live worldwide. D)??The man is excited at the new
42、s of the shuttle flight. 17.?A) At an auto rescue center.??????????????????????????C) At a suburban garage. B) At a car renting company.?????????????????????????D) At a mountain camp. 18.?A) He got his speakers fixed.?????????????????????????C) He listened to some serious music B) He went shoppi
43、ng with the woman.???????????D) He bought a stereo system.? Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19.?A) Providing aid to the disabled. B)??Printing labels for manufactured goods. C)??????Promoting products for manufacturers. D)?????Selling products made for left
44、-handers. 20.?A) Most of them are specially made for his shop. B)?????All of them are manufactured in his own plant. C)?????The kitchenware in his shop is of unique design. D)????About half of them are unavailable on the market. 21.?A) They specialise in one product only.???????????C) They run
45、chain stores in central London. B) They have outlets throughout Britain.??????????D) They sell by mail order only.? Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 22. A) It publishes magazines.?????????????????????????????C) It runs sales promotion campaigns. B) It sponsor
46、s trade fairs. ?????????????????????????????D) It is engaged in product design. 23. A) The ad specifications had not been given in detail. B)??????The woman's company made last-minute changes. C)??????The woman's company failed to make payments in time. D)?????Organising the promotion was really
47、 time-consuming. 24. A) Extend the campaign to next year.?????????????C) Run another four-week campaign. B) Cut the fee by half for this year.????????????????D) Give her a 10 percent discount. 25. A) Stop negotiating for the time being.??????????C) Reflect on their respective mistakes B) Calm do
48、wn and make peace.??????????????????????D) Improve their promotion plans.? Section B Directions:?In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.?After you hear a question, you mu
49、st choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on?Answer Sheet 2?with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分試題請在答題卡2上作答。 Passage One Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard. 26.?A) They look spotlessly clean
50、throughout their lives. B)??????They are looked after by animal-care organizations. C)??????They sacrifice their lives for the benefit of humans. D)?????They are labeled pet animals by the researchers. 27.?A) They may affect the results of experiments. B)??????They may behave abnormally. C)???
51、???They may breed out of control. D)?????They may cause damage to the environment. 28. A) When they become escapees.?????????????????????C) When they get too old. B) When they are no longer useful.?????????????????D) When they become ill. 29. A) While launching animal protection campaigns, they
52、were trapping kitchen mice. B)??????While holding a burial ceremony for a pet mouse, they were killing pest mice. C)??????While advocating freedom for animals, they kept their pet mouse in a cage. D)?????While calling for animal rights, they allowed their kids to keep pet animals.? Passage Two
53、Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard. 30. A) They take it for granted.???????????????????????????C) They contribute most to it. B) They are crazy about it.?????????????????????????????D) They often find fault with it. 31. A) Heat and light.??????????????????????????????
54、??????????C) Historical continuity. B) Economic prosperity.????????????????????????????????D) Tidal restlessness. 32. A) They find the city alien to them. B)??They are adventurers from all over the world. C)??????They lack knowledge of the culture of the city. D)?????They have difficulty surviv
55、ing. ? Passage Three Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard. 33. A) A political debate.???????????????????????????????????C) A documentary. B) A football game.??????????????????????????????????????D) A murder mystery. 34. A) It enhances family relationships.???????????
56、????C) It helps broaden one’s horizons. B) It is a sheer waste of time.?????????????????????????D) It is unhealthy for the viewers. 35. A) He watches TV programs only selectively. B)??He can't resist the temptation of TV either. C)??????He doesn't like watching sports programs. D)?????He is not
57、 a man who can keep his promise.? Section C Directions:?In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read?for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered
58、 from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use?the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own?words. Finally, when the passage is read
59、for the third time, you should check what?you have written. 注意:此部分試題請在答題卡2上作答。 In the past, one of the biggest disadvantages of machines has been their inability to work on a?micro-scale. For example, doctors did not have devices allowing them to go inside the human body to (36)?_____?health probl
60、ems or to perform (37)?_____?surgery. Repair crews did not have?a way of (38)?_____ broken pipes located deep within a high-rise (39) _____?building.?However, that's about to change. Advances in computers and biophysics have started a?microminiature?(超微)?(40)?_____that allows scientists to envision
61、–?and in some cases actually build?–?microscopic machines. These devices promise to (41)_____?change the way we live and work. Micromachines already are making an impact. At Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland,Ohio, research scientists have designed a 4-inch silicon chip that holds 700 tin
62、y (42)?_____motors. At Lucas NovaSensor in Fremont, California, scientists have perfected the world's first microscopic blood-pressure sensor. Threaded through a person's blood (43)?_____, the sensor can provide blood pressure readings at the valve of the heart itself. (44)?_______________________
63、_______________________________________________. Auto manufacturers, for example, are trying to use tiny devices_______________________________________________________ (45)___________________________________________________________________________. Some futurists envision?nanotechnology?(納米技術(shù)) also
64、 being used to?explore the deep sea in small submarines, or even to launch finger-sized rockets packed with microminiature instruments. There is an explosion of new ideas and applications. So, (46)?_____________________________ ____________________________________________________________. ?Part I
65、V?????????????????Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)??????????(25 minutes) Section A Directions:?In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.
66、 Please write your answers on?Answer Sheet 2. Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage. Leadership is the most significant word in today's competitive business environment because it directs the manager of a business to focus inward on their personal capabilities and style. Experts on leadership will quickly point out that "how things get done" influences the success of the outcomes and indicates a right way and a wrong way to do things. When a noted leader on the art of managemen
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