
1、 八年級(jí)(下)期中測(cè)試題 筆試部分(85分) 第一卷 選擇題(60分) In加油.詞匯測(cè)試(15分) i.根據(jù)句意,選擇與劃線部分意n加油思最接近的選項(xiàng)。(共8小題,每小題1分) ()1. — When you havn加油e difficulty finishing your hn加油omework, you can ask your sistern加油 for help. —OK, Mom. A. intn加油erest B. trouble C. time ()2. — What shn加油ould people do if they fall inn加油to a po
2、ol? — they should try n加油to hold their heads abon加油ve the water. A. shake B. nod C. kn加油eep ()3. — Are you sure aboun加油t the news? —Yes. I was there and hearn加油d it clearly. A. certain B.n加油 comfortable C. excited ()4. — n加油Look! There is much joy on that old mn加油an’s face. — Oh, that’s becau
3、se todayn加油 his children will con加油me home to eat dinner. An加油. sadness B. courage C. happinesn加油s ()5. — Jim, what do you think on加油f the questions in then加油 last exam? —They were simple so n加油I got full marks. A. strange B. wondern加油ful C. easy ()6. — Congratulatin加油ons, Lily. You won first p
4、rizn加油e in the game. How did yn加油ou make it? —Through my han加油rd training. A. compare B. knn加油ow C. succeed ()7. — When did thn加油e event take place? n加油—The day before Christmasn加油. A. happen B, close C. n加油end ()8. — Mr Green will set off for n加油Canada next week. Let’s have a pan加油rty for him
5、. —OK. That’s a good idea. A.n加油 take off B. start off C.n加油 turn off ii.從下面每小題的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出n加油最佳答案。(共7小題,每小題1分) ()9. If there n加油is ________________ on someone’s facn加油e, he is not happy or sad. n加油A. joy B. peace C. pain ()10. If you __n加油______________ somethin加油ng, you need it or it is nec
6、en加油ssary (必需的). A. enjon加油y B. express C. requirn加油e ()11. — Do you have any suggestions fn加油or my report? —It should be interestin加油ng, or people will feel ______n加油__________ and fall asleep. A. relaxen加油d B. bored C. interestn加油ed ()12. — What’s yourn加油 secret of living a hn加油ealthy life?
7、—I exercin加油se three times a week to keep _____n加油___________. A. fit B. funny C. happy n加油()13. — The ________________ nearn加油 the river tells us not to swim there. n加油—Yes. We’d better go n加油home now. A. expressin加油on B. tool C. warning ()14n加油. — How long does it take you to ____n加油________
8、____ her song? —For twenty min加油nutes. A. laugh B. paint C. recordn加油 ()15. — Why do you wn加油ant to be a volunteer? —Ben加油cause I want to help people __n加油______________. A. in additionn加油 B. in need C. in a hurry II.完形填n加油空(15分) 閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從16-25各小題的A、B、Cn加油三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳答案。(共10小題,每小題1.5分)
9、One evn加油ening, a man carrying a bottle of min加油lk stopped Dominic in the strn加油eet. He said he had a(n) 16 an加油nd wanted his advice. “What’s n加油it?” asked Dominic. “Though I never 17n加油 wine, I feel drunk when I gn加油et up in the morning,” said the man. n加油“What do you drink 18 at night?” askn加油e
10、d Dominic, looking at the n加油milk bottle in his 19. “Miln加油k.” “Just as I 20,” said Dominic. “Tn加油hat is the cause of your problem.” “Miln加油k makes me drunk? It soundsn加油 impossible,” asked then加油 man in 21 quickly. “I am afraidn加油 it is 22,” said Dominic. “You drink tn加油he milk and go to bed. Y
11、ou 2n加油3 around in your sleep. The min加油lk is churned (被攪動(dòng)). It turnsn加油 into butter. Butter is churned and tun加油rns into cheese. Cheese tn加油urns into fat. Fat turns into sugar. Sun加油gar turns into wine. Sn加油o you wake up with wine in your stn加油omach. That is why you fn加油eel 24 in the morning.” “So
12、 what shouln加油d I do?” asked the man. “25. Don加油n’t drink the milk,” said Dn加油ominic. “Give it to me.” After takn加油ing the milk bottle fromn加油 the man, Dominic walked an加油way quickly. ()16. A.n加油 idea B. problem n加油C. way ()17. A. buy B. sen加油ll C. drink ()18. A. finally B.n加油 quickly C
13、. slowly ()19. n加油A. bag B. hand C. ban加油ck ()20. A. planned B. tn加油hought C. wanted ()n加油21. A. surprise B. time C. worn加油ry ()22. A. wrong B. interestinn加油g C. true ()23. A. tourn加油 B. run C. turn ()n加油24. A. relaxed B. comfortable C. dn加油runk ()25. A. Simple B. Difficult
14、 n加油C. Pleasant III.閱讀理解n加油(30分) 閱讀下列短文,從下面每題的A、B、C、D 四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳n加油答案。(共20小題,每小題1.5分) A There was a man加油n named Raman. One day, he found n加油he was travelling with a grn加油oup of soldiers. They used to join in n加油a war and soon they started talkingn加油 about their experiences n加油in the war. One old
15、 soldier told then加油 time when he had killed seven n加油enemy (敵人) soldiers. Another desn加油cribed how he acted bravely in a fn加油ight. He told the story in detail. n加油When they finished, tn加油hey looked proudly at Ran加油man. “I don’t think you n加油have an experience to tell,n加油” said one of the old soldi
16、ers.n加油 “Oh, but I have,” said Raman. “You han加油ve?” asked the soldiers. “Yes,n加油” said Raman. “One day n加油while traveling, I met n加油a big house and entered n加油it. I found the biggest man I han加油d ever seen. He was a n加油man who was used to doing n加油bad things in a country! The pn加油eople there wer
17、e all afraid of him.”n加油 “What did you do?” asked the sn加油oldiers. They wanted to kn加油now more about it. “I cut off onen加油 of his feet and ran away n加油quickly,” said Raman. “His foot?” sain加油d a soldier. “Why didn’t yn加油ou cut off his head when you hadn加油 the chance?” “But somn加油ebody had alread
18、y done tn加油hat,” said Raman. ()26.n加油 What did the soldiers’ stories n加油have in common (有共同點(diǎn))? A. They weren加油 told in detail. B. They were abon加油ut the same enemies. C. They were abn加油out killing seven enemies. D. Theyn加油 were about acting bravely in a fight.n加油 ()27. How might the soldiers f
19、en加油el when they knew Raman hn加油ad an experience to tell? A. Afrn加油aid. B. Sad. C. Surprised. D. Inten加油rested. ()28. What did tn加油he soldier want Raman to cut ofn加油f from the bad man? A. His foot. B. n加油His hand. C. His head. D. His arm. ()29.n加油 What did the soldiers thin加油nk of Raman’s stor
20、y? A. Boring. Bn加油. Interesting. C. Reln加油axing. D. Sad. ()30. What can we known加油 from the last sentence? A. Somebody han加油d cut off the other foot of the bad n加油man. B. Somebody was also un加油nable to cut off the man’sn加油 head. C. The bad man was badn加油ly hurt by somebody n加油before Raman. D.
21、 The bad man had ben加油en dead before Raman entered thn加油e house. B Please help the Ruth Hayman Tn加油rust Who was Ruth Hayman? When she cn加油ame to England, she started up Engln加油ish language classes for adults n加油who had come to live in England. Whenn加油 Ruth died in 1981, some teachersn加油 started a
22、 charity to remembern加油 her. Who does the Trust help?n加油 Adults who: ●are over then加油 age of 16 ●learn English as a forein加油gn language ●are now livingn加油 in Britain In 2019-2019n加油, we helped hundreds of studentn加油s from about 40 countries to stn加油udy lessons such as medicine, Englin加油sh and
23、computer. How does then加油 Trust help? Most of the money wn加油e give is for lesson an加油nd exam fees (費(fèi)). And we also given加油 some money for books andn加油 tools such as knives ann加油d scissors. Where is then加油 money from? We raise the money ourselvn加油es. Some people give us money becn加油ause they supp
24、ort what we do. We n加油also have many events such as concertn加油s, sales of things ann加油d food to raise money. We once helpedn加油 Naima. She helped us raise monen加油y later. She talked about how tn加油he Trust had helped to change her life.n加油 But we don’t have enough money. n加油To continue helping people
25、lin加油ke Naima, we need to rn加油aise more money. How can you helpn加油? Please help by organizn加油ing a money-raising event in your con加油llege or in your community. We willn加油 help you say “thank you”. (n加油)31. How did Ruth Hayman help otn加油hers? A. By giving classes to adultn加油s. B. By starting a s
26、mall charity. C. n加油By organizing money-raisinn加油g events. D. By helping the ten加油achers in England. ()32.n加油 The following four pen加油ople are all living in Britain. Who mayn加油 get help from the Ruth Han加油yman Trust? A. A ten-year-old boy whn加油o wants to learn English. B. A sin加油xteen-year-old
27、girl whon加油 wants to study in China. Cn加油. A seventeen-year-old boy whose firstn加油 language is English. D. A ninn加油eteen-year-old poor girl who can n加油only speak French. ()33. Which is NOT tn加油he way to get money? A. Raising monen加油y by having some events. B. Gettin加油ng money from some kind pn加
28、油eople. C. Asking for money fn加油rom the people they have helped. D. n加油Getting help from the peoplen加油 they have helped. ()34. Which isn加油 TRUE according to the passage? A. The n加油Ruth Hayman Trust was n加油set up after Ruth Hayman died. B. The Rn加油uth Hayman Trust only helps people frn加油om Engla
29、nd. C. The Ruth Hayman Trusn加油t only helps with lesson and exam fn加油ees. D. The Ruth Hayman Trust gets n加油most of its money fromn加油 teachers. ()35. Why did the writer wn加油rite this passage? A. To introduce a fn加油amous person. B. To show why a chn加油arity is successful. C. To introduce hon加油w to
30、 get help in England. D. To encon加油urage us to help a charn加油ity. C Amy Cuddy thinksn加油 positive (積極的) body language includen加油s things like proper eye cn加油ontact, active listening, andn加油 gestures. Studies show that peopln加油e who use positive body lan加油nguage are more likely to be acceptedn加油. H
31、owever, most people don’t realizen加油 the importance of it. This pan加油ssage may change their ideas. Pn加油ositive body language changes your attitn加油ude (態(tài)度). Cuddy found that chn加油anging your body languagn加油e to make it more positn加油ive improves your attitun加油de because it makes a great difference n
32、加油to your body. Positive n加油body language makes you ben加油 liked more easily. In a study, pen加油ople watched soundless videos n加油of doctors getting along with sickn加油 people. Just by studyingn加油 the doctors’ body language, pn加油eople were able to guen加油ss which doctors were more popun加油lar. Body lang
33、uage plays an加油 big role in how you’re treated (n加油被對(duì)待) and can be more important n加油than your voice. Learning to use positin加油ve body language will make peopln加油e like you and trust yn加油ou more. It improves n加油your EQ (情商). Your ability ton加油 express your emotions and iden加油as is important to you
34、n加油r EQ. People without positive bon加油dy language have a bad effect on peoplen加油 around them. Working to improve your bn加油ody language has a grean加油t effect on your EQ. We n加油often think of body language as the n加油result of our attitude on加油r how we feel. This is trn加油ue, but scientists havn加油e also
35、 shown that the oppositn加油e is true. ()36. What are n加油the people like if they use pon加油sitive body language? A. Interesting.n加油 B. Hard-working. C. Popn加油ular. D. Intelligent. (n加油)37. Why does developing positive body n加油language improve one’s n加油attitude? A. It has a great effect on on加油ne’
36、s body. B. It decides how one is trn加油eated. C. It makes one more posn加油itive. D. It makes one han加油ve high EQ. ()38. What is the pn加油urpose (目的) of the study? A. To furthern加油 support the main idea. B. To shon加油w us the main idea. C. Tn加油o introduce the topic. D.n加油 To give us a happy endin
37、g. ()n加油39. What does the unden加油rlined word “This” refern加油 to? A. Your attitude don加油esn’t change your body language an加油t all. B. Changing your attn加油itude changes your body languan加油ge. C. Your attitude has nothing tn加油o do with your body language. D.n加油 Your body language is not thn加油e res
38、ult of your attitude. ()40. Who n加油was this passage writtn加油en for? A. People who are good at usin加油ng body language. B. n加油People who don’t take bodyn加油 language seriously. C. People who n加油want to be more intelligent than othersn加油. D. People who are intern加油ested in using body language. n加油
39、D From supermarket bags n加油to CDs, man-made waste has becomn加油e a very serious problem. Recently, scien加油ntists may have found an unusual wayn加油 to solve the problem. They say then加油 waxworm (蠟蟲), who ean加油ts beeswax as food, also appearn加油s to eat polyethylene, one of the stronn加油gest kinds of pla
40、stic. Scientistn加油s have described the tiny n加油worm’s ability as “very excitn加油ing”. Federica is a beekeeper. She pun加油t the waxworms into a plastic shopping bn加油ag which became full of holes a fn加油ew minutes later. Then Feden加油rica did many more experimen加油nts. When 100 waxworms were put into a n加
41、油normal plastic bag, tn加油he holes began to appen加油ar in just 10 minutes. According to thn加油e scientists, a kind of enzyme (酶) n加油produced by the waxworm is the key. Theyn加油 also say that the waxworm turns the pln加油astic into a different thn加油ing. It is used in makn加油ing a material for cars. It is n
42、ot n加油clear if (是否) the waxworm can producn加油e a large number of such things. n加油Plastic is not a kind of natural fon加油od for the waxworm. “Wn加油ax is a kind of natural pn加油lastic. It is similar to polyethyn加油lene,” Federica said. Scientists say thn加油ey still need to know how wax is dn加油igested (被消化
43、) in the waxworm.n加油 Federica said they would use thn加油e result to find a way n加油to make the plastic waste dn加油isappear. “But we should not throw plasn加油tic bags into the environment, just becn加油ause we now know how to bn加油reak them down,” she added.n加油 ()41. What makes the n加油waxworm special? A.
44、Feeding on beeswaxn加油 for a living. B. Leading to a sen加油rious problem. C. Beingn加油 a kind of man-made insectn加油. D. Helping break down a kn加油ind of plastic. ()42. What do then加油 numbers mentioned in Paragraph 2 man加油inly show? A. The waxworm dislikes bn加油eing put into a shopping bag. B. n加油Th
45、e waxworm makes the hn加油oles in order to take a breath. C. n加油The waxworm eats the plastic at n加油an amazing high speen加油d. D. The waxworm is practising makn加油ing holes in a plastic bag. ()43. Whn加油at is the relationship (n加油關(guān)系) between plastic and the waxworn加油m? A. The waxworm likesn加油 to eat p
46、lastic becausn加油e there is nothing else to eat. Bn加油. The waxworm likes eating plasticn加油 because the wax is a kind of natn加油ural plastic. C. People use spn加油ecial experiments to make the waxworm n加油become interested in eating plasticn加油. D. The plastic is a kind of natural n加油food for the waxwor
47、m to eat. n加油()44. What will the scientists studn加油y next? A. How they can加油n make the plastic wn加油aste disappear. B. How wax is n加油different from polyethn加油ylene. C. How wax isn加油 digested in the body of the waxwn加油orm. D. How they can ask people not tn加油o produce plastic waste. ()45. Who mn加
48、油ay be interested in reading this pan加油ssage? A. Insect lovers. B. n加油Environment protectors. C. Shn加油opping bag users. D. Animal keepers.n加油 第二卷 非選擇題(25分) IV.語法填n加油空:用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,未提供單詞的根據(jù)n加油上下文填入適當(dāng)?shù)脑~。(共10小題,每小題1分) Exercising heln加油ps people to keep healn加油thy. But common sports such an加油s pl
49、aying basketball and swimming (n加油46) ________________ (lin加油ke) by fewer and fewer pen加油ople. There are lots on加油f other ways (47) ______n加油__________ (exercise). One good way n加油is hiking. What is hiking? (48) __n加油______________ (Kike) doesn’t really n加油mean taking a long walk. Oftn加油en, hiking
50、(49) ________________ (incln加油ude) going up or down a hill. Most peopn加油le do it in (50) ______n加油__________ countryside, but you can alsn加油o do it in town. Duringn加油 hiking, you can enjoy the beautifun加油l view, watch the (5n加油1) ______________ (inn加油terest) plants or animals and buin加油ld up your bo
51、dy — especially whenn加油 you walk up the hill. n加油However, sometimes hiking can be dangern加油ous (52) ________________ you n加油are not careful enoughn加油. Hiking doesn’t really needn加油 any special equipment (裝備).n加油 All you need is a comn加油fortable pair (53) _______________ shn加油oes, some food and wate
52、r. Then加油 shoes are very important, or you’ll han加油ve trouble (54) _______________n加油_ (move) forward and yon加油u may easily feel tiren加油d. The food and water are also imporn加油tant because enough energy (55) _____n加油___________ (provide) by them. n加油V.書面表達(dá)(共1題,15分) 眼神交流是一項(xiàng)很重要的肢體語言。請(qǐng)根據(jù)n加油以下提示,寫一篇英語短
53、文介紹眼神交流的重要性。要n加油求:80詞左右,可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮。 提示: 1.眼睛是心靈的窗戶,有助于深層次交流n加油。 2.眼神交流可交換能量,可將舒適和愛傳遞給生氣的朋友。n加油 3.當(dāng)你注視別人時(shí),也會(huì)獲取同樣的關(guān)注。 生詞提示:soun加油l心靈ease舒適 ___________________n加油_______________________________n加油________________________n加油_____________________n加油________________________n加油____________________________
55、______________n加油__________________________________n加油_________________________n加油________________________________n加油______________________________ 八年級(jí)(下)n加油期中測(cè)試題 參考答案 筆試部分 第一卷 I. 1-5 BCACC 6-1n加油0 CABBC 11-15 BACCB IIn加油. 16-20 BCABB 21-25 ACCCA In加油II. 26-30 DCCBD 31-35 ADCAD
56、36-40n加油 CAABB 41-45 DCBCB 第二卷 (Onn加油e possible version) IV. 46. are likn加油ed 47. to exercise 48.n加油 Hiking 49. includes n加油 50. the 51. interesting 52. if 5n加油3. of 54. moving 55. will bn加油e provided V. Eye contact is an加油 kind of body language.n加油 It is very important.
57、 Firstn加油, eyes are the windows tn加油o the soul. Looking into n加油people’s eyes helps you commun加油nicate with them more deen加油ply. Second, it helps exchange enn加油ergy with others. When your frin加油end is angry, you can help maken加油 him feel comfortable by showinn加油g the love and ease in your eyes. Last,n加油 you can get people’s attention. Pn加油eople will know they havn加油e your attention when you look intn加油o their eyes. In return, n加油they will pay attention to you. Try n加油to use eye contact in your life. In加油t will make a big difference. 第16頁/共16頁
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