指導教師: 職稱:
所在院(系): 機械與動力工程學院 教研室(研究室) 機械設計研究室
題 目
在前期的設計過程中存在很多問題: 由于以前實習沒有見過加工中心,而圖書館和上網搜集的關于這方面的資料有比較少,這就使我在對其總體結構顯的捉襟見肘,不知該如何下手。解決方法是多上網查關于這方面的資料,并到校工廠多看了解一下其他機床的結構,以作參考。還有就是對于轉位工作臺的機械系統(tǒng)設計不知該有哪種結構形式 。這一問題的解決方法是多查資料,多向指導老師請教,綜合比較,以選取合理的方案。再者就是我用繪圖工具繪圖還不夠熟練。解決方法是多練習,遇到問題時及時向會的同學或者老師請教,以提高自己的繪圖技能。
指導教師: (簽名)
年 月 日
一、 選題的目的和意義:
加工中心(Machining Center,MC)是適應省力、省時和節(jié)能的時代要求而迅速發(fā)展起來的自動換刀數(shù)控機床,它是綜合了機械技術、電子技術、計算機軟件技術、拖動技術、現(xiàn)代控制理論、測量及傳感技術以及通信診斷、刀具和編程技術的高科技產品。由于加工中心能集中完成多種工序,因而可減少工件裝夾、測量和調整時間,減少工件周轉、搬運存放時間,使機床的切削利用率高于通用機床3倍~4倍,所以說,加工中心不僅提高了工件的加工精度,而且是數(shù)控機床中生產率和自動化程度最高的綜合性機床。
二、 國內外研究綜述:
在加工中心中,刀庫和機械手組成自動換刀裝置(Automatic Tool Changer,簡稱ATC),而自動換刀裝置的好壞,將直接影響加工中心的好壞,從目前情況看,加工中心的主機部分基本定型,變化不大,但自動換刀裝置種類繁多,五花八門,是最難搞好的部分。它是加工中心的象征,又是加工中心成敗的關鍵環(huán)節(jié)。因此各加工中心制造廠家都在下大力研制動作迅速、可靠性高的自動換刀裝置,以求在激烈的競爭中取得好效益,正因為自動換刀裝置是加工中心的核心內容,各廠家都在保密,極少公開有關資料,尤其機械手這部分更是如此。
(1) 盤式刀庫 此刀庫結構簡單,應用較多。此換刀裝置的優(yōu)點是結構簡單,成本較低,換刀可靠性較好,缺點是換刀時間長,適用于刀庫容量較小的加工中心上采用。
(2) 鏈式刀庫 此刀庫結構緊湊,刀庫容量較大,鏈環(huán)的形狀可根據機床的布局制成各種形狀,也可將換刀位突出以便于換刀,能充分利用機床的占地空間,通常為軸向取刀,位置精度較低,造價也較高。
(3) 格子箱式刀庫 結構緊湊,刀庫空間利用率高,換刀時間較長。布局不靈活,通常刀庫安裝在工作臺上,應用者較少。
(4) 直線式刀庫 刀庫容量少,一般在十幾把左右,多用于自動換刀數(shù)控車床,鉆床上也有采用。
目前常見的換刀機械手類型有:①單臂單手式機械手 結構較簡單,換刀各動作均需順序進行,時間不能重合,故換刀時間較長。
②雙手式機械手 向刀庫還回用完的刀具和選取新刀,均可在主軸正在加工時進行,故換刀時間可較短。
③回轉式單臂雙手機械手 這類機械手可以同時抓住和拔、插位于主軸和刀庫里的刀具。與單臂單手式機械手相比,可以縮短換刀時間。應用最廣泛,形式也較多。
④多手式機械手 使用者較少。
三、 畢業(yè)設計(論文)所用的主要技術與方法:
四、 主要參考文獻與資料獲得情況:
[1] 機床設計手冊編寫組.機床設計手冊(第三冊).北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,1986
[2] 廉元國,張永洪編.加工中心設計與應用.北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,1995
[3] 依蘭歐克拉,比京克.數(shù)控平面加工中心輪式刀庫自動換刀裝置的設計.成都紡織高等??茖W校學報,2000
[4] 沙杰編.加工中心結構、調試與維護.北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,2003
[5] 王愛玲主編.現(xiàn)代數(shù)控機床.北京:國防工業(yè)出版社,2003
[6] 林宋,田建君編.現(xiàn)代數(shù)控機床.北京:化學工業(yè)出版社,2003
[7] 曹秋霞,馬國亮.小型立式加工中心圓盤式刀庫的設計.機電產品開發(fā)與創(chuàng)新,2005
[8] 向金林.TH7130立式加工中心自動換刀系統(tǒng)的設計.裝備制造技術,2006
[9] 黃澤正,劉沖,陳志輝.加工中心自動換刀裝置的設計.機械工程與自動化,2007
[10] 陳芳,李繼中.盤式刀庫加工中心自動換刀系統(tǒng)控制.機械設計與制造,2007
五、 畢業(yè)設計(論文)進度安排(按周說明)
第1~4周 畢業(yè)實習,收集資料,完成開題報告。
第5~8周 完成實習報告,總體方案設計,初步完成設計計算,外文翻譯。
第9~13周 完成總裝圖和零件圖的繪制和設計說明書。
第14~15周 修改和完善,準備畢業(yè)答辯。
1 目錄 摘 要 ......................................................3 緒論 .........................................................1 1 引言 .......................................................1 1.1 加工中心簡介 ...........................................1 1.1.1 加工中心的發(fā)展簡史 .................................1 1.1.2 加工中心的結構組成 .................................3 1.1.3 加工中心的分類 .....................................4 1.1.4 加工中心的發(fā)展趨勢 .................................8 2 刀庫的類型 ................................................11 2.1 刀庫的類型 ............................................12 2.2 刀庫的結構與傳動 ......................................15 2.3 刀庫驅動電動機的選定 ..................................18 2.3.1 按負載轉矩選 ......................................18 2.3.2 按加速時的最大轉矩選 ..............................20 2.3.3 校驗 ..............................................21 2.3.4 分配傳動比 ........................................21 3 刀庫傳動機構的設計 ........................................22 3.1 初定刀套線速度 ........................................22 3.2 刀庫傳動方式 ..........................................22 4.1 軸的材料 ..............................................30 4.2 蝸桿軸的初步估算 ......................................30 4.2.1 初步估算軸的最小直徑 ..............................30 4.2.2 選擇聯(lián)軸器 ........................................31 4.2.3 確定滾動軸承的類型 ................................32 4.2.4 初步估計蝸桿軸各段的尺寸 ..........................32 4.3 蝸輪軸的初步估算 ......................................33 4.3.1 初步估算軸的最小直徑 ..............................33 4.3.2 確定軸伸處的最小直徑 ..............................34 4.3.3 確定滾動軸承的類型 ................................34 4.3.4 初步估計蝸輪軸的各段尺寸 ..........................35 4.4 軸徑的設計與校核 ......................................35 4.4.1 蝸桿軸 ............................................35 4.4.2 蝸輪軸的計算 ......................................42 2 5 軸承的校核 ................................................48 5.1 蝸桿軸 ................................................48 5.2 蝸輪軸 ...............................................48 6 其它零部件尺寸的設計與計算 ................................50 6.1 回零減速撞塊尺寸的計算 ...............................50 6.2 刀盤與刀套的設計 .....................................51 6.2.1 刀套 .............................................51 6.2.2 刀盤 .............................................52 6.3 刀具(刀座)識別裝置 .................................52 7 液壓系統(tǒng)的設計 ............................................54 7.1 液壓缸的載荷組成和計算 ...............................54 7.2 液壓缸內徑以及其它尺寸的確定 .........................54 7.2.1 計算液壓缸的主要結構尺寸 ..........................55 7.2.2 油缸壁厚的計算 ...................................56 7.2.3 缸底厚度計算 .....................................57 7.3 油缸長度 L 的確定 .....................................58 7.4 液壓系統(tǒng)初步設計 .....................................58 8 PLC 控制 ..................................................60 9 結論 ......................................................63 10 致 謝 .................................................65 參 考 文 獻 .................................................66 3 摘 要 刀庫是自動換刀裝置中最主要的部件之一,其容量、布局以及具體 結構對加工中心的設計有很大影響。 16 刀刀庫是在小型加工中心應用最為廣泛,根據使用的場合和實 際運用的要求,設計了相應的 16 刀的圓盤式刀庫,并且對它的控制進 行了一定的研究。 論文首先對 16 刀刀庫總體設計方案進行闡述,闡述其各部件的工作 原理,然后就刀庫的結構設計與控制分章節(jié)對各個部分進行計算與設計。 刀庫的結構設計是本文研究的重點,傳動部分為蝸桿蝸輪的一種減速裝 置,對于該裝置中的蝸桿、蝸輪以及相關的軸都進行了詳細的計算;控 制部分為刀庫送刀部分,由液壓控制和 PLC 控制完成。 關鍵詞:加工中心,刀庫,蝸桿蝸輪,液壓,PLC。 4 ABSTRACT Tool storage is one of the main components of the automatically-trading- knife installment. Its capacity, position and structure have great influence to the design of the machining centre. 16-tool tool storage is widely used in the machining centre. Based on the situation and requirement the 16-tool used, the disc-style tool storage of the 16-tool is designed and some research about its control is made in this paper. The paper illustrates the design project of the 16-tool tool storage firstly, and then explains its operation principle, and at last calculates and designs the structure and control of the tool storage separately by chapters. The design of the structure of the tool storage is the key point of this research. Driving part is a decelerating set of the worm and worm gear. The sizes of the worm, worm gear and axis are calculated. The control parts are tool storage delivering parts, which is completed by the hydraulic pressure and PLC control. Key words: machining centre, Magazine, worm, worm gear, hydraulic pressure, PLC 5 翻 譯
Hydraulic shield-type support
The invention is concerned with a hydraulic shield-type support for supporting roofs in mines comprising a pair of base slides between which is located a channel-section guide beam supporting an hydraulic ram. At the rear end of the hydraulic ram a yoke is pivotally connected at a central part thereof to the rear end of the guide beam, the two outer portions of the yoke being pivotally connected to the rear end portions of the base slides. The front extendable end of the ram is connected to an elongate flat tongue which is longitudinally slidable in the guide beam underneath the hydraulic ram.
1. A hydraulic shield-type mine-roof support comprising a pair of adjacent base slides adapted to slide along the floor of a mine, at least one hydraulic prop pivotally connected at a lower end thereof to said base slides, at least two control levers pivotally connected at lower ends thereof to said base slides, a shield pivotally connected to upper ends of said control levers whereby the shield can be lifted and lowered with respect to said base slides, a mine-roof engaging structure pivotally attached to an upper portion of said shield, a driving ram adapted to act at both ends and disposed between said base slides, means including an inspection platform connected to an extendable part of said ram for the purpose, in operation of the apparatus, of connecting said ram to a conveyor at the working face of a mine, a channel-section guide beam located between said base slides and arranged to support said driving ram, a transverse connecting yoke pivotably interconnecting said base slides at the rear ends thereof to permit relative movement between said base slides both longitudinally and vertically, means connecting an outer cylinder of the driving ram to said guide beam, means coupling said transverse yoke to the rear end portion of said guide beam by at least one substantially vertical pivot pin, and means connecting said extendable part of said ram to an elongate tongue longitudinally guided by said guide beam within the channel thereof, below said driving ram, and connected to said inspection platform.
2. A mine-roof support as claimed in claim 1, wherein the channel of said guide beam is open at its upper side and partially receives the driving ram.
3. A mine-roof support as claimed in claim 1, wherein said means connecting the outer cylinder of the ram to the guide beam comprise a stirrup which bridges the channel in the guide beam.
4. A mine-roof support as claimed in claim 1, wherein said substantially vertical pivot pin coupling said transverse yoke to the guide beam is located at a central portion of said yoke, and wherein the outer portions of said yoke are pivotally connected to the respective base slides through longitudinally-extending hinge joint pins, each pin being secured so that it can rotate about its longitudinal axis in a respective bearing housing disposed at the rear end of the respective base slide.
This invention relates to hydraulic shield-type supports for supporting roofs in mines, especially coal-mines.
In German Published Patent Application No. 26 44 999 there is described a hydraulic shield-type mine-roof support comprising two base slides which are movable relatively to one another in a vertical direction and which form a pedestal for hydraulic vertically-adjustable props, a roof-engaging plate or other structure which is pivoted near its back-filling end to an obliquely-disposed shield guided in a vertically pivotable manner by control levers pivotably connecting the rear portion of the shield to the base slides, and a hydraulic driving ram disposed between the base slides. One end of the driving ram of the support is connectable to a cross-member connecting the base slides on the working face side, while the other end of the driving ram is connectable at the back-filling side via a transverse yoke to a guide linkage which, in turn, at the working-face side, is connected to a conveyor, driving beam or the like.
The force of the driving ram required for moving the support forwards is transmitted to the base slides via the cross-member on the working-face side. If, during the advance of the support, one of the base slides moves over an uneven part of the mine floor, the result (owing to the pivoting connection of the control levers to the shield and the base slides) will be a lifting motion of that base slide relatively to the other slide and a simultaneous forward motion. The said cross-member must therefore be constructed to follow the complicated motion of the base slides in two directions, since otherwise the driving ram will be loaded by unacceptably-high transverse forces. However, the structure required for making this possible is relatively expensive and takes up too much space. In particular, as the cross-member and its associated structure is disposed in the working-face region of the base slides where the travelling-road usually is, the road is considerably obstructed as a result. It is therefore necessary, particularly in thin seams, to move the drive ram further into the support, thus reducing the total length of the support.
In order to shorten the total length of the driving mechanism and allow the driving ram to move further into the support, it has been proposed to mount the drive ram on a swivel mounting at one side on a base slide of the support, a bridge interconnecting the two base slides, serving only, in this case, to guide the base slides parallel to one another--see German Published Patent Application No. 26 44 614. This drive mechanism, however, has the disadvantage that the driving force exerted on only one base slide is now transmitted to the adjacent base slide via the shield and the above-mentioned control levers. As a result, the adjacent base slide is subjected to a component of force directed towards the floor of the mine which presses the tip of the latter slide into the floor.
The main object of the present invention, therefore, is to provide a drive mechanism which does not obstruct the travelling-road in the front region of the support and which transmits the force of the driving ram to both base slides substantially equally.
With this object in view, the invention is directed to a hydraulic shield-type mine roof support comprising a pair of adjacent base slides adapted to slide along the floor of a mine, at least one hydraulic prop pivotally connected at a lower end thereof to said base slides, at least two control levers pivotally connected at lower ends thereof to said base slides, a shield pivotally connected to upper ends of said control levers whereby the shield can be lifted and lowered with respect to said base slides, a mine-roof engaging structure pivotally attached to an upper portion of said shield, a driving ram adapted to act at both ends and disposed between said base slides, means including an inspection platform connected to an extendable part of said ram for the purpose, in operation of the apparatus, of connecting said ram to a conveyor at the working face of a mine, a guide beam located between said base slides and arranged to support said driving ram, a transverse connecting yoke pivotably interconnecting said base slides at the rear ends thereof, means connecting an outer cylinder of the driving ram to said guide beam, and means connecting said extendable part of said ram to an elongate tongue longitudinally guided by said guide beam and connected to said inspection platform.
An example of a mine-roof support in accordance with the invention is shown in the accompanying drawings, in which:
FIG. 1 is a side view of the support, shown diagrammatically;
FIG. 2 is an enlarged plan view from above of the base slides and drive mechanism forming part of the support shown in FIG. 1; and
FIG. 3 is a section taken on the line III--III in FIG. 2.
The mine-roof support shown in the drawings comprises a pair of base slides 1, 2 which lie alongside each other and are shaped to slide over the floor of a mine. Pivotally connected to the base slides is at least one hydraulic prop 3 and at least two control levers 4 and 5, the lower end of the prop 3 being connected to the base slides by the pivot means 6, and the lower ends of the levers 4 and 5 being connected to the base slides by the pivot means 7, 8. The upper ends of the levers 4, 5 are pivotally connected at 10 and 11 respectively to a shield 12 which can, by expansion and contraction of the prop 3, be raised and lowered with respect to the base slides 1, 2. At its upper end, the shield 12 pivotally supports at 13 a roof-engaging plate or other such structure 14 to which the upper end of the prop 3 is pivotally connected at 9. The face of the mine is shown at 31 in FIG. 1.
A hydraulic driving ram 15 which can act at both ends is disposed between the base slides 1, 2 in a channel-section guide beam 16 which is closed towards the floor of the mine. The ram 15 is secured to the beam 16 by a retaining stirrup 17 which is disposed on the upper surface of the outer cylinder 18 of the ram 15 and which is secured by cotter pins 19 to the side walls 20 of the beam 16. The free end of the extendable inner cylinder 21 of the ram points towards the working-face 15 and is connected to an upwardly-projecting bracket 22 of an elongate tongue 23 which is longitudinally guided under the ram 15 in the beam 16. The tongue 23 has a flat rectangular cross-section (see FIG. 2) and is guided over its entire length in the beam when the ram 15 is fully retracted. At the working-face side, the tongue extends from the ram abutment formed by the bracket 22 into a flat inspection platform 24 which can move over the floor and is connected in turn to a conveyor, driving beam of like transporting means 25 (shown only diagrammatically in the drawings) disposed at the working-face 31.
At the back-filling side of the support, a vertical link pin 26 in the rear part of the beam 16 or in the ram 15 is pivotally connected to a transverse yoke 27 which is constructed like a balance beam and interconnects the base slides 1 and 2 on the back-filling side (i.e. at the rear portions of those slides) and forms an abutment for the ram 15 at that side. The slides 1 and 2 are each connected to the outer portions of the transverse yoke 27 by pivot pins 28 and hinge joint pins 29 extending along the longitudinal axes of the slides 1, 2 respectively. The pins 29 are therefore coupled at one end to the transverse yoke 27 by the vertical pivot pins 28 and are rotatably secured at their other ends in respective bearing housings 30 pivotally located at the back-filling ends of the base slides 1 and 2.
It will thus be seen that the two base slides of the support are interconnected at the back-filling side by the drive mechanism and are guided, in parallel, substantially by means of the control levers 4, 5. The force of the driving ram 15 is transmitted to both slides 1, 2 substantially uniformly and equally, i.e. without transverse forces, via the transverse yoke 27 and the hinge joint pins 27 disposed in the longitudinal axes of the slides 1, 2. The pivot connections 26,28,29 also allow the slides to move relatively to one another. By means of the base slides 1, 2, the driving forces are also uniformly transmitted to the other components of the support.
During an advance of the support, the driving ram 15 mounted in the guide beam 16 and connected to the movable tongue 23 therein is completely relieved from transverse forces. Further, the driving mechanism as a whole is very compact and stable, and takes up only a little space in the support, particularly as the working-face end of the tongue 23 guided in the guide beam 16 leads into an inspection platform guided flat along the mine floor between the forward portions of the base slides 1,2. As a result, even in very thin seams, those forwards portions can extend up to the conveyor 25 without reducing the width required for travelling in the longwall face.
1. 放頂煤掩護式液壓軸承包括一組適合沿著煤礦表面向前移動的底座滑移裝置,至少有一根液壓立柱在下端部分與上述的滑移底座用銷軸連接在一起,至少有兩個連桿在下端部分與上述的滑移底座連接用銷軸連接在一起,掩護梁與上述連桿的上部末端用銷軸連接在一起,因此掩護梁能夠通過底座支撐來實現(xiàn)上升和下降,頂梁用銷軸與掩護梁的上部連接在一起,推移千斤頂在兩個末端之間運動,并位于在底座之間,包括一個推移板,它與推移千斤頂?shù)幕钊麠U的伸出端相連,在這些裝置操作中,在采煤工作面,推移板與刮板輸送機,位于底座之間的導向板連接,并用來支撐上述的推移千斤頂,橫梁用銷軸與底座中的后部連接,以允許在底座之間相互做縱向和垂直運動,意味著把推移千斤頂?shù)耐飧左w連接到上述的導向板上,至少通過一根充分垂直的銷釘把橫梁與導向板的后部連接在一起,同時通過內部裝有溝槽的導向板把推移千斤頂伸出部分與導向板縱向伸出部分相連,在推移千斤頂下面,連接著推移板。
1. 正如在要求1中所要的那樣,在煤層支撐中,導向板的溝槽在它處于上面一側是開式的,并承受推移千斤頂?shù)耐屏Α?
2. 正如在要求1中所要的那樣,在煤層支撐中,把推移千斤頂外側缸體與導向板連接的上述方法是用馬鐙,馬鐙是跨過導向板的溝槽裝置。
3. 正如在要求1中所要的那樣,在煤層支撐中,上述垂直中心銷釘把橫梁與導向梁聯(lián)接在一起,它位于橫梁的中心位置,橫向梁的外側部分通過縱向銷軸與各自的底座相連接,每個銷軸是如此的安全,以滿足它能在位于各自底座后部的縱軸方向上旋轉。
如圖所示,液壓軸承包括一對底部滑塊1、2,他們各自位于對方旁邊,是貼著礦層表面移動。用銷軸與底座連接的包括至少一根立柱3,至少兩根連桿4、5,立柱3的下端通過銷軸6與底座連接,前、后連桿4、5的下端通過銷軸7、8與底座連接。連桿4、5的上端用銷軸10、11分別與掩護梁12連接,通過立柱3的伸長、收縮,與底座滑塊1、2的相互作用實現(xiàn)上升或下降。在它的上端,掩護梁12用銷軸13與頂梁或者其他這樣的結構14連接,像 與立柱3的上端用銷軸9連接。在圖1中,31表示的是礦井工作面。